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NYS Parent Guide

6-12 Months: Growth and Development

On the Move!

Parenting at This Stage

Parenting at This Stage

There are two confusing baby behaviors that usually show up at about this time. Your baby may get upset or cry when you leave her with someone—even someone she knows well (separation anxiety). She may also cry when a “new” person approaches, for example a family member she hasn’t seen for awhile (stranger anxiety). She now knows you are her special person. She can count on you and she wants you to stick close by. It’s a sign that she is growing and learning, and it will pass. Until it does, try to understand her point of view. You will find some ideas in the Nurturing and Guiding sections ahead.

You may not be getting as much support as you were when your baby first came home and she may be sleeping less. That can mean more time caring for her and less time for you to take a breath and manage other parts of your life. If you need an extra hand, ask a family member or friend for support. (Remember that list from Chapter One?) Even an hour or two “off-duty” can give you the time you need to recharge which is good for you and for your baby.

Just like your child, you are changing, too. You will likely find yourself able to:

  • Find new ways to play with your baby
  • Make observations about your baby’s growth, activities, and personality
  • Feel more confident about parenting
  • Get a diaper off and on with your baby on the run Let your baby play and explore with toys briefly while keeping a close eye on her as you do other chores like cooking
  • Spend time with other parents and their babies for fun and support
  • Get better at anticipating your baby’s needs
  • Feel more back to normal physically and emotionally

Useful Resources:

NYS Growing Up Healthy Helpline

If you are struggling to pay for food or formula, call to find your local WIC program



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